Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I guess I`ll just console myself with this for now since it may be the closest I`m gonna get to seeing Jabbawockeez perform live.More details later...

Monday, October 6, 2008

I`m baaack!!!!


After years of drama and struggling to get back into dance,it has finally happened.Not only I have a fantastic new belly dance teacher,I`ve started ballet at the Caribbean School of Dance.I`ve been in a lot of discomfort and my muscles are still really sore and tight but it feels soooo good just to be dancing and training properly again!
My creative dry spell also seems to be getting a second wind these days.I`m dying to try everything;photography,art,film,whatever.I even dusted my little keyboard off and started playing again;granted I only played Chopsticks and Mary Had a Little Lamb but I don`t care because it made me really happy. And that`s all that matters. ^_^

Monday, August 25, 2008

Raq your Saqs!

A clip of one of my favourite belly dancers,Suheir Zaki.She raqs!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dance Revolution

Woot!Two of my favourite shows are back:"America`s Best Dance Crew" and "So You Think You Can Dance".

I haven`t able to keep up with SYTYCD since people like me who still have analog cable don`t get it and I`ve been relying on performance vids from youtube but this season of ABDC promises to be even better than season 1 and that`s saying something!

My fave crews this season are Super Crew,Boogie Bots,A.S.I.I.D,Fanny Pak and Supreme Soul.My bet is on Super Crew to win;they are some of the sickest dancers I`ve EVER seen.I`ve been wanting to do hip-hop for ages and I was thrilled to see this show come along that not only showcases amazing talent but also blows the doors wide open and sheds some positive light on street dancing to show to the world that is a valid art form.I`m also stoked that there are other shows like "Dancing With the Stars" that have brought dance to the forefront but the absolute best and most heartwarming part about the whole dance competition tv show phenomenon is the way it`s inspiring people to dance.The revolution has begun!Lol.Rest assured it`s never too late to start.Whatever your dance background,style or level,happy dancing!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I am definitely NOT a happy camper these days.For starters,I now officially hate UWI.I hate everyone and everything in it.Well,almost.I have been screwed over by UWI more times than a prostitute in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.If they`re not losing important documents of mine,they`re messing up my degree evaluation and trying to convince me that I have more courses to complete than I actually do.(Quick side note:if you`re a 2nd or 3rd year UWI student,make sure you get a proper degree evaluation done by your faculty.Trust me.) This time,my results for a course I did last semester have yet to be posted online although everyone else who did said course already got theirs.Apparently,someone must have neglected to post my marks and they are currently trying to rectify the situation.That was the explanation I got from my faculty office today after weeks of complaining.I kid you not.And don`t even get me started on "Summer School"...

I`m also going to boycott the Subway on campus. Those people manage to mess up my order every time I go there.Every.Single.Time. Like today for example;I went in,placed my order and everything was going swimmingly until I got to the end and they asked me which sauces I wanted in my sandwich.I told the guy I only wanted garlic sauce.Simple enough,right?Hell no!!!The a-hole behind the counter put everything BUT garlic sauce in my sandwich,including ketchup and mustard.Those of you who do not yet know this about me,let me clue you in:I detest mustard.Unless it`s green and comes with my order of sushi or authentic Dijon mustard,I refuse to have it on my food.I only discovered the mix up when I bit into the damn thing because I was paying for my food when the guy was dressing my sandwich.Grrr...

I`m impatiently counting down the days `til I`m on vacation.Work is okay these days but it could be better(I`m not even going to get into that now).I`m also exhausted and cranky because my next-door neighbour,in addition to blasting music at six in the morning every day,decided to burn her rubbish this morning.There was smoke and ashes everywhere,including our yard.Grrr...

I think I`ll go take a long shower,have a cup of tea,listen to some calming music and go to bed early tonight.Hopefully I`ll be less tired and pissed off tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Living in Cyberland

Wow...I love the Internet...
Up until a year ago,all I used the net for was to check my e-mail (which was mostly spam) once a week.Now I`m a full blown Facebook addict,an avid blogger and a Myspace junkie.Lol.Myspace is a strange land,filled with some VERY interesting characters.I created my profile on friday and by saturday afternoon I had three friend requests,which I friend both very flattering and a tad scary.I`ve been getting lots of love and I`ve made 12 friends in 5 days.It`s this huge support group for artists;I love it!!I`m even thinking about joining Second Life,all for the sake of networking and webmarketing because let`s face it,when it comes to the Arts,it`s all about putting yourself out there and making contacts.My dear old friend Tracey,who is a brilliant artist and self-professed blog whore,has been browbeating me into posting more stuff,so here it is(Lol).I also got a lot of encouragement and feedback from people who read my previous rant,so I`m feeling much more optimistic and confident with respect to my creative stuff.Thanks all!
Cyberland is such a wonderful place to be...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

My First Blog!

whoo hoo!!!I have officially joined the land of blog.Sigh...
Just needed someplace to vent.It`s kinda nice and somewhat cathartic to be able to sort through all the random thoughts that are constantly going through my head and record them for posterity.Lol.
Have been so bummed out lately.I feel like I`m suffocating.I literallywoke up one day not so long ago and was just overwhelmed by how dissatisfied I am with my life.I used to live and breathe dance, music and art (painting,I suck at drawing).Hell,I even used to be prolific writer;some of my teachers liked my stuff so much they used to make me read it for the rest of the class.Now it`s pretty much been beaten out of me.After years of going the "safe" route,having let myself be persuaded to put it all on hold in order to pursue my studies(don`t get me wrong,an education is extremely important),I now feel creatively drained and lost.Fortunately,I was able to talk to someone about it last week who helped me so much by just listening to me rant and helping put it all in perspective.I going to take his advice and spend some time each day in peace and quiet in order to reconnect with myself and gradually allow the creative juices to start flowing again.Certain people,my mother in particular,have yet to come to grips with the fact that those things were never mere hobbies for me.It`s who I am.And right now,my biggest fear is that if I continue like this,one day I`ll look in the mirror and I won`t recognize myself...